Whether you want to go green or just make your gifts stand out under the tree, we’ve got you covered with these DIY, eco-friendly and alternative gift wrapping ideas, from fabric wrapping paper — known in Japan as furushiki — to recycled sheet music, newspaper and vintage map wrapping.

In the U.S., annual trash from gift-wrap and gift shopping bags totals 4 million tons, and half of the paper America consumes is used to wrap and decorate gifts. And single-use paper gift wrap isn’t just wasteful, it can also get expensive. So look around your house and see what kinds of alternative containers you have, or what kind of fabrics; you might be surprised by how many only linens — scarves, pillow cases, sewing scraps — could have a new life as Christmas wrapping paper.

Click on the images description for some amazing tutorials!! We hope you will enjoy these alternative gift wrapping and we look forward to seeing your alternative and eco-friendly gift wraps.


Fresh wreath instead of a bow. 



Creative yarn-work.



Dish towel gift wrap.



Fabric wine bottle wrap.



Hand-stamped gift wrapped.



Reclaimed wood box.


Photo Credit: DIY Network

Denim wine bottle wrap.


Map wrap.



Pine cone instead of a bow. 



Decoupage recycled newspaper gift wrap.



Embellished fabric gift wrap.



Assorted recycled and vintage paper.


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