Get ready for some major change from the European Union – there is a new push for EV chargers to be installed in each and every one of the member state’s homes. That’s right – even if you, yourself, don’t have an electric vehicle (EV), you will still be required to have a EV charging station in your new home. Let’s examine what exactly an EV is and what its benefits are.

What is an EV Charger?

An electric vehicle (EV) charger is essentially a charging station for any electric or hybrid car. It’s comparable to a gas station – minus the use of gasoline and burning fossil fuels which contribute to climate change. Electric vehicle chargers can pay off big time in the long run and would hopefully reduce the tension and competition the Western world faces with the Middle East and other countries rich in oil as we turn to more environmentally friendly and self-sustaining options.

There are three different voltages or “types” that may be installed in your home (though type one and two are most common due to their lower voltage):

  • Level 1: 110 Volts
  • Level 2: 208-240 Volts
  • Level 3: 440 Volts

When Will this Law Be Enacted, If at All?

There is a huge push from the electric vehicle movement sales industry to have this implemented by 2019. But, it’s not something that is just being used to make profit on their end – it’s a responsible choice, and electric cars are already in great demand in Europe. The school of thought behind enacting this law is that it would increase the demand and spark a surge in the purchase of electric or hybrid cars. Ultimately, this would be great for consumers as it would save money, the economy as it creates a new industry within the automobile field, and the planet.

There are some problems with this plan, however. We still have a few more year to go until 2019, and some of the details and fine print is being worked out. Namely, the electric industry is worried that it may overflow the electric grid’s electricity from natural sources (solar and wind) if so many people are using electricity to power their cars. However, they are finding that the electricity can be grouped together in order to power an entire car.

Science is coming a long way – we may find ourselves living in a world powered by entirely sustainable electric cars. This is looking like a viable option to require the instalment of EV chargers in new homes since it’s cheaper to install before rather than after a home is built.

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